Polish Scholarship Fund & Syracuse Polish Fest
Miss Polonia

The Polish Scholarship Fund, Inc. is calling all young ladies of Polish descent to participate in  Annual Miss Polonia Pageant. Miss Polonia is a scholarship pageant that is held annually and is open to women between the ages of 17 and 24.

Would you like to become the new Miss Polonia?

Application for Miss Polonia: Click to download the 2025 Miss Polonia Application

Judges for Miss Polonia 2025:

Linda Dracker-Hochenberger is the Executive Director of the Miss Syracuse Organization for the Miss New York and Miss America Organizations. She is co-director of Salt City Royalty Confidence Club, a group dedicated to building confidence in young girls through community service. Linda additionally serves on the Board of Directors as Director and Co-Founder of Salt City Legacy Scholars, Inc, nonprofit scholarship organization benefiting college women in CNY.  More information is available on MissSyracuseNY.com and facebook.com/SaltCityScholars

Nykola Lucak President of the Ukrainian National Home

Charlie Hollis

“Charles “Charlie” Hollis (Holocinski) – Charlie, a native of Queens, New York, is a 1975 graduate of Simmons School of Embalming and Mortuary Science. After serving an apprenticeship at the John G. Butler Funeral Home in Syracuse, Charlie was licensed as a funeral director in New York in 1976. He is the recent past president of the Onondaga-Oswego Funeral Directors’ Association, as well as a member of the New York State Funeral Directors’ Association. Charlie also gives of his time to the community, including: past director of Hope for the Bereaved, past president of the Salt City Center for the Performing Arts, former board member of the Syracuse Civic Theatre, founding member of the Frazer Neighborhood Watch Group, former Den Leader of Boy Scout Troop 76, as well as many activities in the Polish community based at Sacred Heart of Jesus Basilica (2001 “Pole of the Year”, 30-year member of the I.J. Paderewski Choir, and board member of the Miss Polonia Scholarship committee). Charlie is also vice president of the Syracuse Polish Home, and his Monday event, “Charlie’s Cheeseburgers” is legendary.”

Source: https://hollisfuneralhome.com/7/About-Us.html

Submit your application by this priority deadline: May 31, 2025

Apply now.

Miss Polonia candidates MUST BE PRESENT at the Awards Ceremony on Sunday, June 22 @ 3pm at the Syracuse Polish Festival to receive the award. Otherwise, the winner of Miss Polonia title will not receive the award and will forfeit the scholarship.

Please kindly send your applications to :

Miss Polonia Committee

P.O Box 6032

Syracuse, NY 13217

Questions and comments please kindly sent to us via email at: kasia102@yahoo.com


2023 Miss Polonia Ashley Pyrda


2022 Miss Polonia Merissa Olivieri


2018 Miss Polonia Katelyn Pyrda

KATELYN PYRDA is graduating from Utica Academy of Science Charter School and bridging with Mohawk Valley Community College. She is not quite certain what field she would like to pursue but is determined to help change someone’s world! She would like to experience different places and complete a Masters’ Degree in whatever field she chooses. Katelyn enjoys reading, cooking, music, sewing, arts and crafts. She volunteers every Saturday at the local library, established a teen sewing club and is involved in Faith Formation Classes at her church.

2017 Miss Polonia Amy Zurawski

Amy graduated from Liverpool High School and currently attends Rochester Institute of Technology for chemical engineering. She plans to participate in finding economical solutions to common problems and to help reach society’s demands. At RIT, she is also part of the Rescue Shelter Club and works as a note taker to provide deaf or hard of hearing individuals the materials that they need. Amy has also volunteered at the Polish Festival for years.


2016: Krista Baraniewicz
2015: Elizabeth Siok
2014: Nicole Sidorowicz
2013: Christine Pyrda
2012: Alexandra Szelewski
2011: Amanda Mozdzen
2010: Catherine Wawro
2009: Sonia Siok
2008: Monika Majkowycz
2007: Kelly Kowalczyk
2006: Melissa Bartoszewski
2005: Agatha Wozniak
2004: Stephanie Fiorenza
2003: Marta Mizgala
2002: Lynn Gorczyca
2001: Lindsey Chole


© Polish Scholarship Fund, Inc. 2025
Property of PSF
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