Polish Scholarship Fund & Syracuse Polish Fest
Pole of the Year 2008

Outstanding Pole 2008 Award


Polish Scholarship Fund proudly announces that Tomasz Skwarnicki has been named the 2008 “Pole of the Year.”

Mr. Skwarnicki, a professor of Physics at Syracuse University, received his Master of Science Degree from Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland and his Ph.D. in physics from the Institute of Nuclear Physics also in Krakow. The title of his dissertation was a “Study of the Radiative Cascade Transitions Between the Upsilon-prime and Upsilon Resonances.”

Besides being a professor at Syracuse University, Tomasz has been a visiting scientist at Superconducting Super Collider and Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas and a guest scientist at L.A.P.P. in Annecy, France. His many memberships include the American Physical Society and the American Association of University Professors. Tomasz is primarily involved in beauty and charm quark experiments at e + e- . He also participated in the design of the GEM experiment for the SSC. His main areas of interest have been: heavy Quark spectroscopy, b quark decays and tau lepton physics. Tomasz has been involved in construction of the muon detector for CLEO-II, RICH detector for CLEO-III and R&D for RICH detector for BTeV. Presently he is working on the LHCb* and CLEOc experiments.

Mr. Skwarcicki has co-authored over four hundred publications in experimental high energy physics, has attended forty-five international conferences and presented thirty seminars and colloquia. In 1986 he received the Award of the Counsel of Atomic Research in Poland, in 1993 he received the SSC fellowship from the Texas National Research Laboratory Commission, was the recipient of the Outstanding Junior Investigator Grant from the Department of Energy and in 2008, the Chancellor’s Citations for Faculty Excellence and Schorlarly Distinction at Syracuse University.

Tomasz, along with his wife, Margaret, have worked tirelessly for the Polish Community.

Tomasz resides in Central New York with his wife, a local real estate agent and his youngest son, who is a student. He also has a daughter teaching in Virginia and a son, who is a mechanical engineer in California



*LHCb is an experiment set up to explore what happened after the Big Bang that allowed matter to survive and build the Universe we inhabit today.


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